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Writer's pictureGrace Reveley

5 ways to be more sustainable in the kitchen

Here are a few ways that I love to re-use and recycle in the kitchen

Old or out of date vegetable that would go to waste can be frozen and stored in a freezer bag for future use
Glourious greens

Concious of climate change and want to do a few things to help? Why not start with a few simple kitchen habits that are good for your bank balance and even better for our planet.

Did you know that in 2018 it was recorded that 6.6 million tonnes (WRAP research) of household food was wasted in a year in the UK? We can all do our part by switching and re-using a few things in our kitchens that don't use up much time and will reduce our food waste.

So here are a few handy ways in which you can reuse your food scraps:

Grace Reveley giving some broccoli stalks a squeeze. There are so many ways these can be used so they dont get thrown away.
Broccoli Love

Broccoli Stalk

With all the good stuff in the stalks, its a shame so many go to waste. With Vitamin A, B6, Iron and Magnesium found in the stalk, this little green wonder packs a vitamin punch. Chopped up into pieces, you can boil, roast or air fry the stalk to capture the nutrients in your diet. Goes great with your sunday dinner, as part of your sitr fry or in your pesto pasta. Reducing waste and upping your iron intake, whats not to love. Even my dogs love them.

These little beauities can be used to make crispy chips
Crispy Potato Skins

Potato Peelings

Had a big old sunday roast? or just a weekday favourite of mash and gravy? Got plenty of peelings left over? These little strips of potato turn into the golden, crunchy chips after a little oil, salt and paprika. Pop them in the oven until golden and cripsy. Great on top of a soup, added crunch to a salad or just on their own with a dollop of tomato sauce. Once you try them, you won't throw your peelings away again.

Save your sprout skins, they are great to add into your veg stock.
Who says Sprouts Suck?

Homemade Vegetable Stock

This is an oldy but a goodie. These can be anything from carrot peelings, onion skins, ends of your garlic cloves, butternut squash skins, sprout skins ... the list goes on. Keep all your peelings from your meals in a handy reusbale freezer bag and when you are in need of some stock, simply pop them in a pan along with water

to cover your peelings and boil. Simmer for a few hours then add a little salt and pepper. Decant your stock into old jam jars and save for your soups, gravy's and pies. Free stock for you and less waste for the enviroment.

Make sure all your vegetables dont go to waste by freezing them for the future.
Chop Chop Chop

Going out of date Vegetables or Fruit

We are all gulity of buying fresh veg or fruit and not using it all up before it starts to turn off. Heres a simple solution, cut up your vegetables and fruit into cubes, pop it into your reusable freezer bags and save them for a later date. My personal favourite is over ripe bananas, peel them and pop them in a freezer bag and turn them into a delicious nice cream, recipe pending....

They arent just packed full of protein, they have many more uses.
It's Nuts

Left over Almonds from your Milk

Do you make your own almond milk? Then this one is for you. If you have any of the almond pulp left over from your milk, save it, it makes the best face scrub. The almonds pieces act as a great, natural exfoliator that is gentle on your skin and free of harmful chemicals.


Thanks so much for reading. Did this blog make you want to jump for joy too?

I would love to hear all your sustainable tales from the kitchen, share your wonderful ideas below.



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